Saturday 23 September 2017

Tintin: an "asexual tomboy"?

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Despite the recent controversy over the casting of a woman as Doctor Who, a fictional character that is an alien not English as most people seem to think of him, now her most have got used to the idea and look forward to the new series. Still sad about Missy's death though.

However in a world where gender has become fluid at every juncture according to the new wave leftists and intersectionalist brigades it comes as no surprise that Vincent Cespedes a 44 year old philosopher has done some research and come to the astounding conclusion that

"For his creator, Tintin was always a girl. An androgenous and probably asexual redhead with blue eyes"

"Herge would be hooting with laughter that 40 years after his death...the whole world still believes that his "tomboy" is well and truly a boy"


Surprised that Cespedes didn't assert that Tintin was gay after all he was as Charles Brenner points out in The Times:

Only eight of the 350 characters in the albums are identifiable as women. Tintin's non-virile appearance, his gentle manner and the fact he lives with a histute sailor, Captain Haddock.

It seems that the question of Tintin's sexuality has been under scrutiny for some time.

But not by his fans. Like most people I grew up reading Tintin, watching the (dubbed) cartoon at tea-time. Such thoughts never crossed our minds. More to the point Herge was a devoted right-wing Catholic full of the prejudices of the time as Tintin in the Congo shows. Unlikely such thoughts crossed his mind either.

Just"utter bullshit" as one fan put it on Facebook.

When will these academics stop?

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